
You Need More Sleep

The three most common stages of sleep are REM, Light, and Deep. Of these three, the most important for your bodies recovery is deep sleep. Without sufficient deep sleep, you may find yourself unable to recall memories, learn or recover from fatigue as well as you once...

Zo CBD Wins Again! Haze Cup 2022

The Haze Radio Network is one of the world’s widest-reaching cannabis radio networks, and its Haze Secret Cup Award is nationally renowned. Haze Radio, and its creator, Andrew Pitsicalis, are dedicated to the music, culture, and spirit of the cannabis lifestyle, while...

Zo CBD And Anxiety

Anxiety is an amalgamation of symptoms caused by the body and mind when a person experiences certain stressors in order to protect them from impending harm and keep them alert and cautious in unfamiliar situations. Everyone has felt anxiety – that sense of fear and...

Inflammation + Allergies

The month of May carries pleasant connotations of warm sunshine, beautiful flowers, fun outdoor activities, and new life. But May also brings stormy weather, wind and humidity, and out of control pollen counts – meaning it’s the height of the season for allergy...

What Is Provenance?

“Grass-fed”, “cage free”, “all natural”, and “doctor-recommended” are just a few of many key phrases widely sought out by consumers – we all want to know where our products came from, and how they were handled before we took them off the store shelves. Unfortunately,...

CBD Educational Overview

CBD Educational Overview You may have preconceived notions and questions about what CBD is and how it works. We hope that through science, we will be able to establish real facts and dispel any myths you might have heard, in turn, giving you the peace of mind you...